Life on the road is anything but ordinary in a quality-built Exiss living quarters trailer. Our popular living quarters horse trailers offer roomy functionality, designer décor options and all the extras you desire, including removable saddle racks and spacious mangers. Newly redesigned interior décor packages are available, including the Brownstone Latte, Glacier Ash and Urban Saddle. Discover your new home away from home today by owning an Exiss living quarters horse trailer!
ESCAPE 7204, 7304, 7404 LQ
4′ short wall living quarters models designed to be compact and functional.
ESCAPE 7206, 7306, 7406 LQ
6′ short wall living quarters models that are versatile, comfortable and feature a sofa and plenty of storage.
ESCAPE 7208, 7308, 7408 LQ
8′ short wall living quarters models with functional layout with sofa, storage and full restroom.
ESCAPE 7210, 7310, 7410 LQ
10′ short wall living quarters models with spacious, comfortable living quarters with optional slideout floorplan.
Express 7211, 7311, 7411
Exiss Express living quarters horse trailers Models 7211, 7311 and 7411 with 11′ living quarters offer an incredible value for today’s horse owner.
ENDEAVOR 8210, 8310, 8410 LQ
These 10′ short wall models are our most popular models from the Exiss 8′ wide lineup of living quarters.
ENDEAVOR 8312, 8412 LQ
These 12′ short wall models are perfect for those who need a large living quarters and an industry-leading horse area.
ENDEAVOR 8314, 8414 LQ
14′ short wall living quarters models with maximum room and available with dinette and sofa in Plan A.
ENDEAVOR 8316, 8416 LQ
16′ short wall living quarters models with dinette, sofa and space-expanding slideout standard.
STC 8030, 8032
An 8′ wide stock combo living quarters trailer from Exiss gives you all of the rugged features of our stock trailer lineup with the added benefits of our popular living quarters models.